Three Things That Seem To Only Annoy Me
You know how some things just get to you? It could be the girl in the elevator blowing bubbles with her gum or the guy that is constantly smacking his lips over the telephone. Whatever it is, it is really annoying and most of the time it only seems to be you that's annoyed by it. I have to admit I'm easily annoyed by things or mostly things people do but what puts me over the edge is what people do to my stuff and the things I like. Here are three things that are a sure fire way to annoy me to death.
1. Breaking The Spine - Books are expensive and I am one of those pristine collectors so please don't take it personally when I refuse to lend one of my books to you, I don't even lend books to my mother. I love the way my book collection looks, all nice and neat in its alphabetized by publisher, by genre, and by title, and the way the spines look so crisp . . . but wait! What is that crease? Yes, broken spines for me is just as bad as writing on books (I don't do that either) and it annoys me so much that I have had to stop lending books to people because of it. It was either that or I would have had to replace every book that had a broken spine with a clean, unbroken replacement.
2. Sports Hats - I'm a huge Sharks fan so I understand why fans want to show off their love of the SJS. But when you are the one sitting behind a hat like the one pictured above which adds a foot onto the person's head, you start to get a little annoyed by the over-enthusiasm people can display. I love the Sharks too but please, could you get a normal hat like everyone else?
3. Disrespecting Classical Music - I love classical music and it's a love that is not widely shared in my circle of friends so most can't understand why I get so annoyed when I hear classical music used as background music in a restaurant or hotel lobby. You have to know the context of what classical music is and what it was used for. It's not like the pop songs that have been turned into TV jingles or the latest popular rock song that was used in a blockbuster movie soundtrack. Classical music was in its day the number one source of entertainment. It was not coupled together with some visual medium, unless it was an opera or ballet, and it was given full undivided attention. So I tend to get annoyed and even slightly offended when I hear Rachmaninov at the local Chinese restaurant because you wouldn't go to a Broadway show and read a book nor would you go to an art museum just to eat lunch. So just remember when Vocalise, Op. 34, No. 14 is playing, please refrain from disrespecting the music.