2010 Holiday Rush Part 1
As summer 2010 started to creep closer and closer, I was actually thinking that the number of holiday releases would be pretty small compared to last year's plethora of games. Yet, after I saw all that E3 had to offer, I found out how wrong I really was. So once again my "Holiday Rush" planning has started earlier than the last year, soon I think this might just be something I do every 6 months. But for now, here's what's on the agenda for this year's holiday rush.
Valkyria Chronicles II (08.31.10) - Unfortunately this year's PSP offerings are much slimmer than last year's, not even enough games to merit a separate list for my portable little buddy. Valkyria Chronicles II will probably be the most in-depth PSP game I'll get this year. With it's Anime stylings and tactical gameplay, this sequel to the PS3 game is said to be just as robust as it's predecessor.
Invizimals (10.12.10) - One of the few PSP games that uses the camera, Invizimals has been out in the rest of the world for quite some time and it's now just finally hitting Stateside. Geared towards a younger audience, Invizimals once again shows off Sony's obsession with augmented reality.
Patapon 3 (11.01.10) - Patapon is an ingenious music game that makes it hard to put your PSP down once you get the "pata, pata, pon" going. I can't wait to see what the third iteration can bring to the table with it's added multiplayer element.
Mafia II (08.24.10) - With only 3 PSP games on my list, it's up to the PS3 to provide me with the majority of my gaming, and it looks like 2010 won't disappoint. Mafia II is my first game for the holiday rush, and while it doesn't look to be a GotY, I'm excited that I'll be able to go back to 50s Americana.
Brunswick Pro Bowling (09.17.10) - With no announcement that High Velocity Bowling is going to get a Move compatibility patch, Brunswick Pro Bowling is my next option. Specifically built for Move, Brunswick is going to bring the serious side of bowling back into video games with its realistic physics and gameplay. Considering that they say it feels and plays like the real thing, it will be interesting to see how well my father does since he is a league bowler.
EyePet (09.17.10) - Another game already out in the world, EyePet is getting revved up to hit the NA territory with its newly added Move capabilities. While I usually say my main reason for getting EyePet is to have some games for Move, in reality I'm getting it because the dog/monkey is cute. I hope my own dog won't get too jealous of my EyePet when I pick it up later this September.
Kung Fu Rider (09.17.10) - Another Move title, Kung Fu Rider looks like Pain mixed with the Office. Zipping down the streets of Hong Kong on an office chair (and who knows what else) is zany and too crazy to pass on.
Spider-man: Shattered Dimensions (09.17.10) - With last year's great Batman game, my hopes for another good superhero game have been raised with Shattered Dimensions. Combining four different Spider-man universes (Amazing, Noir, 2099, and Ultimate) this mash-up of everything Spidey promises to keep true to the comics as well as bring a solid game to the table. I hope that this game can deliver and bring Spider-man back to the good side of video games.
Sports Champions (09.17.10) - Another game to be launched alongside of Move, I'm excited to really get to explore the depth of Move by playing table tennis, archery, and even beating a few people in the coliseum.
The Sly Collection (10.01.10) - While I already have all 3 Sly games on the PS2, I really want to pick up this collection to see Sucker Punch's work in HD plus the addition of 3D, Move support, and trophies doesn't hurt either.
Two Worlds II (10.05.10) - I'm slightly optimistic that this game might not completely suck and may, just maybe might be on par or at least near the level of Oblivion. With so many great things said about the first game there was an equal amount of negative comments, mostly complaining about controls and general gameplay mechanics. Southpeak has stated that they took what the gamers said to heart and worked on fixing all of the major problems while keeping the things gamers liked about Two Worlds intact. With a massive story to co-op and multiplayer - I'm crossing my fingers that Two Worlds II can deliver.