Three Things I Enjoy At Christmastime
It's that time of the year when everyone seems so busy making preparations for the holiday season. While I'm kind of a humbug during the holidays (I hate how commercialized Christmas has become) there are a few things that I really enjoy around this time of the year . . . and no they aren't some of the more obvious reasons to enjoy Christmas. So as this year wraps up, I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new decade! I will see you all on the flipside, 2010 here I come!
1. California Clementines - I love oranges, especially みかん (Mikan) which are known as Satsuma Mandarins here. But there is something truly special about homegrown produce (even though I didn't grow it) and it kind of makes you proud when your state is one of the national suppliers of products like avocados, rice, spinach, apples, lettuce, and oranges. Clementines are really special, their season is one of the shortish, starting in late November and ending in early January. I can't help but get a box of these great little oranges every time I go to the grocery store. It's a sad thing that I can't get them throughout the year but they definitely add to the special time that is Christmas.
2. Twelve Days of Christmas - I hate the song in all honesty, it is one of the most annoying Christmas songs to date. It doesn't help that I can't stand rounds either. But it's fun spotting all the different "Twelve Days of Christmas" themes throughout the holiday season. Whether it be RightStuf's Anime themed Twelve Days of Christmas sale to the Twelve Days of Christmas movie marathon. When you hear this song, you can't help but think it's Christmastime.
3. Christmas Lights - I love watching as a town magically turns into a sea of light. While not as many people put up Christmas lights where I live, there is still something magical when you see a block of houses decorated in the green and red glow of Christmas lights as white reindeer cover the lawns. With next year's Christmas celebrations looking like they might take place in a different area (with much better weather), I might just try and convince my parents to let me go big with the Christmas decorations. Until then, I'll just have to enjoy seeing all the lights around town.