As for me, when did I get my PlayStation? July 1, 1996 because my brother wasn't introduced to the PlayStation until after Christmas of 1995, when his friend got one as a gift. He spent the rest of the year convincing my parents that I wanted a PlayStation for my birthday because my birthday was six months sooner than his. You can imagine how shocked and disappointed I was when I did open that big box to find some weird electronic instead of a giant lego set. That very day, my brother and I hit the local Wal-Mart to pick up a couple of games for the system. My brother of course picked out which games to get, deciding on Ridge Racer and Tekken.
Ironically, I only played the PlayStation to spite my brother, saying that since it was mine I had rights to play it first. I spent hours practicing my skills at both games so I could beat my brother when we went head-to-head. Now, the Ridge Racer series and the Tekken series are some of my all time favorite games. It's funny how a birthday present that wasn't even really for me has become my biggest passion. So, even though I hate to admit it, I have to thank my brother for getting me a PlayStation all those years ago.