2009 PSP Holiday Rush
It's that time again! Every summer I always seem to have some extra cash on me with no new games to buy. Yet right when the holiday season rolls in, there is a flood of new games that practically drowns me and my wallet. I've learned from past experiences that pre-ordering games is a good idea. For one, I can pay for the games when I actually have the money available as well as make sure that I get my hands on a copy of the most sought after games. I usually start reserving games around late July to early August and try to make sure that I reserve a game about a month before its actual release date. I found that this year I should have started earlier with the shear amount of games that are going to hit shelves in the coming months. Because my "Holiday Rush" list is so much bigger than it was last year that I am actually going to have to break this down into two parts, one for the PSP and the other for the PS3. And as these games launch and the year wraps up, I will be posting my thoughts of all these games and whether they were worth my time and my money.
SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny (09.01.09) - I love fighting games, Tekken is my bread and butter but SoulCalibur easily takes a lot of attention away from Tekken. Weapons, great costumes, and amazingly fun characters are some of the main reasons why I'm excited to finally be able to take this puppy on the go. I love the fact that Kratos is also a special guest character (though I would have loved to have seen Ratchet or Jak) that will join in the battle.
MotorStorm: Arctic Edge (09.29.09) - I'm not quite sure if it's really a good idea for me to have a MotorStorm game for my PSP considering that I have broken a PS3 controller because of this franchise before. Never the less, the thrill of snow covered tracks and mechanical mayhem is just too much to pass up.
Gran Turismo (10.01.09) - I still won't believe that Gran Turismo for the PSP is coming out until I actually have a copy in my hands. No, I truly think this is just another lie to try and tide us over for the time being. And once I do get a copy of this game, I'm sure I'm going to have to pinch myself a few times just to make sure I'm not dreaming.
Half-Minute Hero (10.20.09) - What can you do in 30 seconds? Watch a commercial, warm up a sandwich, defeat an evil lord, and save the world. At least that's what this game says you can do. 30 seconds is all you have to go travel the world, fight monsters, and complete your quest.
Jak & Daxter: The Lost Frontier (11.03.09) - What can I say it's Jak & Daxter on the PSP. This portable bundle of gaming goodness is sure to please long time fans of this amazing franchise. Now all we need is a PS3 game next!
LittleBigPlanet (11.17.09) - I am curious to see how LBP is going to translate onto the portable. The gameplay I'm sure will stay intact but what of the level building features. With the smaller storage space, it will definitely be interesting to see how they pull of the LBP style in such a small package.
Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines (11.17.09) - I have to admit the main reason why I'm picking this title up is for the cross-connectivity with it's older brother, Assassin's Creed 2. But I'm also curious to see how they are going to bridge the two major storylines as well. The graphics and gameplay looks tight but I'm still a bit skeptical on how the controls will hold out. Guess I will just have to wait until November to find out.