2009 PS3 Holiday Rush
There is another reason why I pre-order my games so far in advance - bonuses. Yes, I am addicted to those so called "free" pre-order bonuses. Whether it be some unlockable content or a keychain, I usually try to get my hands on which ever pre-order bonus appeals to me the most. I'm even willing to pay a little extra to pick up these items if I feel they are worth it. I'm also a sucker for "Collector's Editions" which also include a lot of nice goodies as well as some that are just plain garbage. So, here is my list of upcoming PS3 titles that I am getting. Just like with the PSP list, towards the end of the year, I'll be writing a wrap-up or sorts that will examine how well I picked my games.
Batman: Arkham Asylum (08.25.09) - As my first pre-order of the season, this game wasn't even on my early version of the "Holiday Rush" list. Actually, I all but passed this game up until I found out two very important things - Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill. These two voice actors made the 90s animated series into the great show that it is and my all-time favorite representation of Batman. That is what sold it for me and after playing the demo, I could tell how much effort they put into making this the best Batman game to date. Hopefully, once I get the chance to play through the game in its entirety that I will find that their hard work paid off.
Mini Ninjas (09.01.09) - Let me just make one thing clear, there is no such thing as "ninjas" because you can't pluralize "ninja". Now that I've cleared that up, you're probably wondering why I'm picking up this relatively "B" rated game. There was something about the demo that I just found so much fun. It didn't have the serious storyline, the hard edge style, or the violence that seems to fill up my game collection. It was simple and very "kiddy" but every once in a while I think we need decent "kiddy" games.
Katamari Forever (09.22.09) - Ah, now I can get high again without taking any drugs. Yes, the trippiest game is back and even better on the PS3 and all its high-definition glory . . . but maybe that's not a good thing. The colors in Katamari could easily give you a stroke or a seizure and the craziness of this game is sure to melt your brain. I cannot express how excited I am about this game. Bring on the party!
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (10.13.09) - I can't say much about this game considering that I have refused to watch any of the trailers, demos, or interviews about this game. I know it's going to be amazing and I don't want to spoil a single second of it. So I wait, with my fingers in my ears as I try to avoid all the hype and news surrounding this game until it hits later this October.
Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time (10.27.09) - The longest title out of my games coming out this year and the one game I am least excited about. Wait, back up, what was that? Yes, I have to admit that I'm not very excited about this game because I already know how hard this game is going to rock and how amazing it will be. I am expecting perfection and I am sure that's what I'm going to get once this game hits the store shelves. The only question left to answer is what's going to happen to Clank.
Tekken 6 (10.27.09) - Finally, that's all I can say. It's about time that this game is coming out. Tekken, oh my wonderful Tekken, how I yearn to bask in the glory of your high-definition graphics as I pummel my enemies to be crowned the King of the Iron Fist Tournament.
Alpha Protocol (10.27.09) - I just noticed that there are a lot of games coming out on October 27th and I'm not sure how I'm ever going to play all of them. Anyway, Alpha Protocol is one of those games that I'm hoping will be great but I'm also trying to keep my excitement level down since I don't want to disappoint myself if it sucks. From what I've seen and heard so far though is that this game is going to have one heck of a story.
Assassin's Creed 2 (11.17.09) - Okay, I lied. I mentioned in a previous post that I was not going to get the collector's edition of AC2. That was before I found out that the collector's edition was going to include the soundtrack. I'm a sucker for soundtracks. I'm definitely hopeful that AC2 will fix all of the flaws found in the first game and truly become the great game that I know it can be. Everything about it shows potential from the gameplay to the location . . . it is unique. I can't wait to pop this baby in and give it a spin to see whether AC2 will become the game of the year or fall flat on its face.
The Saboteur (12.08.09) - The only game that is not a sure fire pick up for me, it's only on the list for one reason and that reason is Pandemic Studios. I love Pandemic and have been a faithful follower of theirs for a while now. I like the idea behind the game and the whole art style. I'm hopeful that they can pull it off right. I'll probably wait for a couple of months before I make my final decision on whether or not I'm going to pick this game up.
Gran Turismo 5 (12.29.09) - Once again I am not going to believe it until I see it. Word on the street is Gran Turismo 5 will be launched in this holiday season and that the official release date will be announced at the Tokyo Game Show. I will be shocked if it actually makes the release date list for this year. But if it does, I recommend that everyone go out and buy a lotto ticket, because it will be our lucky day.