With E3 2009 already over, there was so much news from all the major players. Enough to keep every one's attention and wallet ready for this holiday season. As a final goodbye to one of the greatest gaming conventions ever put on, here is what I loved about E3 2009.
1. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - The moment the demo started, my heart was racing. Nathan Drake was back and ready to lead us through another wonderful journey from Naughty Dog. A new girl in tow, a new location, but the same action we've come to expect - Uncharted 2 looks to be the blockbuster title that the original Uncharted should have been. The multiplayer beta has been fun but it was only a sample of what I expect from this game. Action, adventure, mayhem, and maybe a chick-fight as well. So get your wallets ready people, the holiday season will soon be upon us.
2. PSP Support - Even though I was disappointed with the PSP Go, no one can be disappointed with the things Sony has in store for the PSP - especially the games. A boat load of new titles like Gran Turismo (finally!), LittleBigPlanet, Jak & Daxter, and many others are hitting the PSP this holiday season with the sole goal of keeping your hands on your PSP rather than on your PS3 controller. Hopefully this is only a taste of what Sony has coming to the PSP in the months ahead.
3. Motion Controller - I knew this was in the works for a while now. Being an avid surfer of the United States Patent and Trademark Office website (yes, I know, it's a sickness), I always make sure to check in on the major players in the video game industry as well as the tech industry. Everyone has to apply for a patent, so if you want to get the latest news first, twenty minutes of sifting through the new applications will do it. The original diagrams of Sony's motion controller were really odd looking to me. There were two designs, one was of a normal DualShock 3 that looked like someone cut it in half and the other was a small handheld wand.
At E3, Sony unveiled its prototype of the wand and I have to say - wow. For me, motion controllers were always kind of a fad. The EyeToy was fun at first, I only use the PS Eye for Eye of Judgment, and the Wii's controller never looked precise enough to really do anything significant with it. Sony's new wand might change all that. Precision, that's what it's all about. Everything from writing your name (and making it look like an adult actually wrote it), swinging around a whip, and even guiding a squad of tanks to the enemy - the tech demo shown at Sony's Press Conference was both impressive and creative. Though it's still in the developmental stage, I'm excited to see how this baby works once it's finalized and on store shelves. This time Sony, please support the stupid thing. I don't want another peripheral that has only one game that uses it.