Three Things I Hated About E3 2009
There's always something that gets on my nerves at E3. Whether it's the fanboys harassing you because you only own one console, companies not showing that game you've been dying for, or the long delays before every press conference. Something always goes badly and rotten news is just as guaranteed as great news at E3.
1. Streaming Video - No, I don't hate God of War 3, I hate blurry video of God of War 3. With amazingly beautiful games being demoed at this year's E3 like Uncharted 2, Assassin's Creed 2, MAG, ModNation Racers, and a handful of others - it's really annoying when the live video your streaming jumps around, lags, and the image quality comes out mushed. Lag, a gamer's version of fire and brimstone, should be illegal in this day and age. So c'mon E3, why not save us gamers and open E3 up to the public!
2. G4TV's Coverage - Is it just me or does G4 cover sex and video games equally now? From the amazingly stupid and annoying talk-show style of commentary to random shots of half-naked women - G4 has truly changed from when I first started watching it. G4 could easily be the cure from my lagging video stream but trying to put up with the incessant asinine twits that run the show is just too much for me to bear. So c'mon E3, why not save us gamers and open E3 up to the public!
3. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction - When the DS showed Scribblenauts, I was intrigued and a bit jealous, but it was okay. I had my PSP, I was happy. When Microsoft showed Project Natal, I thought it was a cool idea but was slightly lacking. So I was okay, I had my PS3, I was happy. Then they had to come out and show Splinter Cell Conviction, exclusive to that "other" console. A series that I have loved since it started, a game that I was looking forward to, a game that added so many great ideas to a well established franchise. I was not okay, I had my PS3, and I was not happy. If any game was going to make me jump the PlayStation Nation Ship, it would be this game. Sam looks meaner and faster than ever, no longer attached to Third Echelon. On his own, trying to solve his daughter's murder and taking out a bunch of baddies (and maybe goodies) at the same time. Though I'm not going to pick up a 360 (If I ever do pick up a 360, that is the day to buy some lotto tickets, a lot of lotto tickets), it still doesn't stop this PS3 gamer from sticking out her lip and pouting. So c'mon Ubisoft, why not save this gamer and bring Splinter Cell Conviction to the PS3!