December 23, 2009
Three Things I Enjoy At Christmastime
Freezepop Reborn
Flames Vs. Sharks Review (Dec. 5, 09)
Unfortunately, the Sharks were unable to rally late in the game and feel to the Flames, 3-2. This would be the second loss in what would be the Sharks longest losing streak in three seasons (5 losses in a row). The losing streak cost them the number one spot in the Pacific Division, the number one spot in the Western Conference, and the number one spot in the league. Because the gameplay of the Sharks was so horrible, I'm going to go over some basic hockey 101 and highlight what they did wrong while teaching you a little bit of hockey lingo.
December 18, 2009
Three Things I Found Strange On My Trip
December 3, 2009
Happy 15th Anniversary PlayStation!
As for me, when did I get my PlayStation? July 1, 1996 because my brother wasn't introduced to the PlayStation until after Christmas of 1995, when his friend got one as a gift. He spent the rest of the year convincing my parents that I wanted a PlayStation for my birthday because my birthday was six months sooner than his. You can imagine how shocked and disappointed I was when I did open that big box to find some weird electronic instead of a giant lego set. That very day, my brother and I hit the local Wal-Mart to pick up a couple of games for the system. My brother of course picked out which games to get, deciding on Ridge Racer and Tekken.
Ironically, I only played the PlayStation to spite my brother, saying that since it was mine I had rights to play it first. I spent hours practicing my skills at both games so I could beat my brother when we went head-to-head. Now, the Ridge Racer series and the Tekken series are some of my all time favorite games. It's funny how a birthday present that wasn't even really for me has become my biggest passion. So, even though I hate to admit it, I have to thank my brother for getting me a PlayStation all those years ago.
November 30, 2009
Childish Things
A few things have spurred this blog on, one is the fact that I was asked recently what I wanted to Christmas and I really couldn't think of anything. I've already pre-ordered all of the games I wanted and I buy the movies and CDs I want when I want too. I did however do a little flashback when I was little and would always ask Legos. It was always Legos, my Christmas list was basically a rundown of the latest Lego catalog. My parents even commented on how they wished I was little again because it was easier to shop for me back then.
The other reason why I'm writing about Legos is because I was recently at a toy store picking up some toys for a toy drive when I saw some of the new Lego series. And they happened to be Pirates and Knights! I cannot explain how excited and how disappointed I was in that moment because when I was little, I started playing with Legos right when they were discontinuing those series . . . my two favorite themes of all time, especially Knights (no wonder why I love Oblivion). I felt cheated, I wanted to buy all of the sets and then time travel back to my glory days of Lego building.
Unfortunately, my time with Legos was short. Soon I was hearing things like "you're old enough to stop playing with toys" and I eventually moved on to video games. Though video games have truly become my いちばん (number 1), I still find myself missing the old days of constructing something with my own hands. I have found an interesting solution to my dilemma of still wanting to be a kid and having fun - Piperoids.
The concept is simple, you get a kit filled with paper pipes and some instructions. Cut where it says, put it together, and poof - instant cool looking robot dude. They are fun and look pretty cool, plus I have a good excuse to use when I'm putting one together. First, their made of paper so I can do the whole "it's modern origami" statement. There's also the fact that they are designed and made in Japan . . . and we all know that anything from Japan becomes instantly cool in the eyes of "people my age". Plus, their robots, how awesome is that?
So if you find yourself in the same boat as me, still wanting to be a kid and have fun when you're supposed to be "choosing your career and starting your future", then you should definitely pick up a Piperoid kit. Their fun and unique . . . and they will help keep your inner child occupied while you play the "adult".
November 27, 2009
Black Friday Reformed
I don't like crowds. There is a good reason why I don't like crowds and that is I'm not a tall person. My eye level is usually wear people hold bags and coffee. A trip to a busy place usually results in me weaving and dodging out of the way of "GAP" bags (which are way too big to begin with) and mall food. Add in about 40% more people into that crowd and you get one tiring day. Ironically, neither my father or myself actually bought a gift that day because of the shear pandemonium that was going on around us. Once we pulled out of the parking lot, I breathed a sigh of relief that I survived.
That experience happened a few years ago and I swore I would never go shopping ever on Black Friday again. Because of that, I've found myself not really paying attention to all the massive sales and hype that goes on around this so-called-commercial-holiday. One thing I have been noticing in the last two years or so is what the online retailers are doing to hype Black Friday. They can't do door-buster sales or open their doors five hours earlier than usual . . . they're online, it's the same old shopping experience as the day before . . . or is it?
Amazon probably had one of the more interesting Black Friday sales, timed deals opening every hour on the hour with a limited amount available. Once sold out, the item reverted back to its original price. I was shocked at some of the deals going on, like the complete series of 24 for $99.99 - if my math is right, buying all seven seasons should come out to around $349.99 - wow. That deal sold out in less than 30 minutes. The best thing about it . . . you didn't have to wait until Black Friday to get the deals, they started early Thanksgiving morning.
I have to admit I was curious about all the deals and ended up getting sucked in a bit as I left the computer all day on Thanksgiving, refreshing every hour just to see what new deals they were offering. While, I didn't actually buy anything from Amazon, I did cash in on some deals at which is the site I buy my Anime and Manga from. I got a pretty good deal in fact too.
I'm grateful for the Internet and all the online retailers letting me enjoy the spirit of Black Friday without having to tackle some old grannie for the last copy of Uncharted 2 or some other blockbuster item. Plus, I don't have to worry about getting trampled to death either . . . a plus anyway you look at it.
November 25, 2009
Sony Alpha DSLR-A200
The difference of clarity is amazingly drastic between my Sony Cybershot and my Alpha-200. I was shocked to see what the 10.2 megapixel APS CCD image sensor can do. The basic kit came with a standard 18-70mm lens as well as the option to pick up the 75-300mm, which I took. Being able to really zoom close to take that great shot is a must when using a DSLR and once you've taken a few, you'll never want to go back to a "pocket" camera again.
If you have used SLR cameras with a high powered lens, you know that the more you zoom in, the more you have to hold still - unless you want to get shutter blur. Another thing the Alpha-200 solves with its SteadyShot technology that helps guarantee a blurless picture. The A200 provides JPEG and RAW formats that can be saved to a Compact Flash Card or a Pro Duo (with the use of an adaptor).
The best thing about the A200 is that it is a member of Sony's Alpha Series, meaning that it is compatible with almost all of the Alpha accessories. Everything from leather grips, lens filters, camera bags, studio flash setups, and every other kind of camera accessory you can think of. There are a few downfalls to the A200, including its size. While smaller than most of the other Alpha Series DSLRs, you still can't put it in your back pocket while you walk around . . . and you will definitely look like a tourist when you hang it around your neck (something I refuse to do). The camera is also expensive, while Sony no longer carries this model (they moved to the A230 which I've heard is a great model but an unnecessary upgrade) you can find the A200 at other big electronics stores for around $300-$400. Add in lens protectors, batteries, and a bag . . . you're looking at spending at least another $200-$400 in accessories.
If you want to be able to take studio quality photos without having to go to photography school, this camera's for you. The A200's ability to go from a basic camera to a full-fledged professional camera is amazing. I absolutely love the A200 and all of the great features it offers. It makes taking great pictures as easy as pie.
November 23, 2009
Jayme Versus Victory
I have two friends, Jayme and Victory . . . and every time I do anything, I have to choose between the two. I can never be with both, it always has to be one or the other. It's not an easy choice because both are such great people. Different in their own ways, they each offer something unique and I always hate having to choose between the two.
Jayme is a really nice guy. He's on the shorter side but he makes up for it with his determination and dedication. He's a great hockey player, working his way up from the minors and now plays on the top line of the San Jose Sharks. He's also into skateboarding, winning a few tournaments and even beating Danny Way. He's an experienced farmer with years under his belt at growing various crops and raising livestock. In his spare time, he enjoys racing his red Mazda 8 and a few other cars. He vacations in a villa next to a lake and invites all his friends out for barbeques on the patio. He's also an experienced explorer, mage, and knight - surviving years in some of Tamriel's harshest areas.
Victory is a girl you don't mess with. She's tough but she's also always willing to help someone out. She is a sharpshooter for the Rainbow Organization, specializing in small team infiltrations and tactical raids. She's also an accomplished guitarist, getting into the rock and roll hall of fame with her band, Boom Boom Riot. She flies to Japan and snowboards in her spare time as well as being a mercenary for hire. Her vacation spot is at a cabin in the mountains where she entertains her guests. She also has a lot of knowledge about the Washington D.C. area, surviving in the capital wastes after nuclear war broke out.
I'm sure by now, you realize that Jayme and Victory aren't real people, they are my alternate personas in a wide variety of video games. I still have the same dilemma as I stated above though, choosing between the two. In most games, you don't get a choice of gender, and I grew up playing as the male protagonist. I had heard about Lara Croft when I was younger but it wasn't until Primal on the PS2 that I actually got my first chance to play as a female character. Because I'm so used to playing as a male character, when I get the chance to choose gender, I often find myself leaning towards creating a male character rather than a female character (in case you haven't read my bio I am a female gamer).
In almost all of the games I listed in the bios of Jayme and Victory, I had the choice of choosing genders. In Skate 2 I chose to have a male character but in Fallout 3 I went with the female character. You'd think that I would always take the opportunity to play as a female character because I don't get the chance very often. And yes, gender does matter when you're playing a game. How would you like to play as a female for 90% of your games. Trust me, it gets awkward when you're male character kisses his love interest or trying to explain to your friends that you don't know which wife to choose in game. And I can't help but break into fits of laughter when I'm writing my blogs for Harvesting Hyde, as I try and explain my male character's various love interests.
It's more than just awkward moments though, the gender bender problem I've had with video games goes back to when I started playing games around age ten. I have literally grown up role-playing as male characters to the point where I almost prefer them to the dumb-downed female characters you find nowadays. It's kind of odd when I relate myself better to Nathan Drake (who is a really cool character) than I do with someone like Nariko. In multiplayer games, I find myself choosing male characters like in Skate 2. I do have female characters in games like Rainbow Six Vegas 2 and in Rock Band, but I discovered a very interesting trend that I didn't even know was there - both female characters wear masks. Even my female character in Fallout 3 (which is a single player game) wears a mask, though that is more out of necessity.
If you're a male gamer, you might take for granted how good you have it. I love to get into my games and really get into the story, so much so that I almost feel like I'm the characters themselves. But it's hard at times, when the character you are trying to connect to is a womanizing hunk of adrenaline (Ezio from Assassin's Creed 2) or a weak woman who doesn't know how to handle a gun (Faith from Mirror's Edge). In all honesty, I can't really name any female protagonist that wasn't geared towards the male audience or completely watered down. While I understand that the male audience is a lot larger than the female audience for video games, still the misrepresentation of video game protagonists is amazing. Actually, according to the ESA, 40% of gamers are women and that women over 18 (34%) represent a larger proportion of the gaming community than males under the age of 17 (18%).
For now, it looks like I will just have to deal with always playing a male character or a female character that I don't like, at least until a true representation of the female population is presented as a protagonist. While, I still have the dilemma of choosing between Jayme and Victory every time I start up a new game, at least I have the choice now unlike in the years worth of games that I grew up on. So if you're a male gamer, be thankful that you don't have to tell your friends that you're having a hard time picking your new husband or having to sit through a make-out session with a guy.
You Need More Than Just Faith
My New Addiction?
November 18, 2009
Flames Vs. Sharks Preview (Dec. 5, 09)
Out of all the Sharks offensive talent: Joe Thornton, Dany Heatley, Devin Setogushi, Joe Pavelski, and others - the one that I think could truly come out as a hero is Patrick Marleau. He's on a record pace for goals this year and is number 2 on the Sharks team for most points and he's only a point below Thornton in first. Not only can Marleau score goals (13 so far), he knows how to score the big ones. The ones that tie up the game or seal the deal. So, I'll be looking at Patty when it's clinch time to come out big.
I can't express how excited I am to go see a live game . . . I haven't seen them play since the first of October. It has seriously sucked not being able to watch the games on TV, and radio gets a little hard to follow but what I have seen/heard has been great news. The Sharks are sitting on top of the league right now and we're only a quarter through the season. With the Olympics coming up and things like the trade deadline, the Sharks might not be on top forever. But I know they will make it to the playoffs, the only question is what happens after that. The Flames are also high in the standings so I'm sure we'll see them again soon in the playoffs, maybe even in the first round. Either way, this game is much more than just a regular season meeting between two rivals. This is a spark to ignite a bitter rivalry that could ultimately lead to one big showdown come the post season.
It Just Keeps Falling . . .
Season: Winter
Day: One
All hopes seem lost! The first snow fell on the Ninth Day of Fall, killing what little grass I had that survived the typhoon . . . and it’s been raining and snowing since! I can’t believe it; we haven’t had a clear day since Summer! I only have five bales of Fodder left and I have had to take drastic measures including rationing the Fodder. I have also spent my entire 2000g savings as well as the 3000g I earned from my sales to Van.
I managed to plant some Potatoes though I’m afraid that all this snow and rain is going to kill them before they get the chance to even sprout out of the ground. My income has been severely cut as well now that Miel is only giving me 1 Normal Milk a day, that means I’m only making around 200g a day. A poor amount considering I was making around 1000g when I first started the farm. At least all the eggs from the Chickens are helping to make up some of the loss. What’s more, I have to propose to someone soon, I’m not sure if I can even keep the farm going through the Winter let alone provide for a family. I know that if I can just survive for nine more days, once Spring comes I’ll be saved. I just have to survive for nine more days . . . hopefully I will be able to do it.
Year: One
Season: Winter
Day: Two
Some good news for once! Though it’s still raining and snowing constantly, there have been a few things on the farm to be happy about. Mitsuki is an adult now, what a cute Chicken she turned out to be. Everyone is doing well, especially Nanao, who gave me a Golden Egg! A few more of these and I might be able to buy enough Good Fodder for the rest of the Winter! My Potatoes also have seemed to survive all the rain and snow; it looks like I’ll have a Winter harvest after all. I’ve also decided on who I’m going to propose to and plan on doing it on the Seventh Day of Winter. With Van coming tomorrow, I think I’m going to manage to survive my first Winter on the farm!
Year: One
Season: Winter
Day: Three
I woke up this morning to a strange “mufu” sound. I knew it wasn’t Miel or any of the others and was puzzled by this occurrence. As I did my daily routine, I could swear that I still heard that sound and it seemed to come from the North Pond. When I went to sell some goods to Van, I asked him if he knew what it was. He laughed at my worried expression when I spoke of the strange sound and told me that there wasn’t anything to worry about. That the sound I heard came from a creature called Mukumoku who came to the valley during the Winter and left in the Spring. He told me that I should introduce myself to the creature and when I did, to make sure I gave it a flower . . . apparently Mukumoku was very fond of the many flowers in Forget-Me-Not Valley but because he came in the Winter, he didn’t get to see many.
After I returned to Hyde Farm and put all of the goods I bought from Van away, I searched the Storage Room for my stash of Happy Lamps I picked last Summer. After some time, I finally found them and headed to the North Pond. I slowly approached and tried to be as quiet as I could until I stepped on a twig and broke it. Immediately, I heard a loud “MUFUMUFU” which startled me and I quickly turned to head back down the road only to find a giant white fuzzy thing standing in front of me. There is no animal I know of that even resembles this creature. He was tall and stood on two legs with his arms hanging so low that they brushed the ground. His fur was a mixture of whites and grays, and the hair on top of his head stood straight up like a stock of wheat. His face was pink and his eyes were bigger than Miel’s, it felt as if he was going to stare a hole in me. I held out the flowers and he quickly grabbed them with his four-fingered hand. He let out a soft “Mu” sound as he smelled the flowers. Then to my surprise, he quickly shoved the bouquet into his mouth and started to chomp away. He let out another sound which I took to be a “mmm, this is good, thanks” and slowly lumbered back towards the pond. I couldn’t help but wonder as I lay in bed, what that Mukumoku was. I’m just glad he like the flowers I gave him or it could have been me that he ate.
November 5, 2009
The Argument For The Return Of The Musical
It's a running joke in my family that you should never get sick, because if you do, my mother will make you watch Hello Dolly! to help you get well. I can't tell you how many times I've seen that movie, at least 200, and it pains me greatly to think about it even now. I haven't been that sick in a long time (knock on wood) to keep me from school or work so I haven't had to watch Hello Dolly! for a few years now.
A Glimpse Into The Future?
October 28, 2009
Disaster Strikes . . .
Season: Fall
Day: One
It’s still raining, but not as heavily as before. I was able to get all of my crops planted quickly, just in time to see the incubated egg hatch! It was a bright yellow Chick that I named Kanade. She’s so cute and fluffy! It will take a week or so before she is fully grown and begins laying eggs. I think I have found a great way to create some revenue with these chickens, something that I definitely need right now.
Year: One
Season: Fall
Day: Six
It’s been raining non-stop since the Eighth Day of Summer. The last few days have been the worse with a major storm moving in on the valley. All this rain has completely stunted the growth of all the grass in the field and now I truly have a Fodder crisis. With Miel, Ryutaro, and Koharu – they all eat around five bales of Fodder a day and right now I only have enough Fodder to last me until the end of the season. If this rain doesn’t stop soon, I’m going to be in big trouble. Luckily, there was a little bit of good news, Kanade is now a beautiful, fully grown Chicken and I incubated another Fertilized Egg a few days ago, which should be hatching any day now.
Year: One
Season: Fall
Day: Seven
The egg hatched and it was another female! I named her Mitsuki and she seems to get along with well with Nanao, Jing, and Kanade. I also harvested my first Yams of the season as well as planted Strawberry Seeds for the first time. Unfortunately, it wasn’t all good news today; I had to tap into my savings to buy some Good Fodder because the rain has still not stopped. 250g each! Considering I only make around 800g a day, it’s going to be difficult to keep up with the Fodder demand.
Year: One
Season: Fall
Day: Eight
A huge typhoon has just hit the valley and has caused the river to rise considerably. I’m worried about flooding but Vesta has reassured me by saying that the river usually only breaks its banks farther towards the beach. Still, I can’t help but worry about this storm. Van was brave enough to make the trek from town to Forget-Me-Not Valley. I was surprised to see his shop set up in the middle of all this rain, wind, and lightning. He simply laughed and told me confidently that he has never once not made the trip over the mountain. I admire his courage and hope to draw upon it as we move towards Winter. I did have a productive day at Van’s Shop. I was able to sell a lot of the fish I had been catching, including a Huge Colombo and Huge Nyameme. All in all, I earned 3000g from my sales to Van. I’m hoping this money will go a long way towards keeping Miel and the others fed.