Simulating The Past
I have always been a huge fan of the old school style RPGs. Commonly referred to as Tactical Role-Playing Games or TRPGs, I know them by their Japanese name: Strategy Simulation Games (In Japan TRPGs refer to table-top games). And one of my favorites in the genre is Shining Force, a 16-bit cartridge classic from the Sega Genesis. It was one of the hand-me-down consoles I got from my brother, including an old NES, that introduced me to the world of video games. While I enjoyed a lot of his old games including Sid Meier's remade Pirates! Gold, Shining Force introduced me to a new element in video games that would soon change the way I defined gaming - story. The combination of characters that actually had personality and a compelling story forever changed the way I played and chose my video games. It also introduced me to my favorite video game genre. It seems that nowadays you don't see too many simulation RPGs around, with many RPGs moving towards real-time action but luckily for me, Shining Force was included in Sega's Ultimate Collection which allows me to go back and relive the past on my PS3. If you're like me and want a taste of the good old games of Simulation RPGs, I'd definitely recommend picking up Jeanne d'Arc for the PSP, a great modern Simulation game from Level 5. Tactics Ogre is also returning to the West with the PSP version of Let Us Cling Together. With new and old games alike still alive and well in the Simulation RPG genre, I can't help but remember the good old 16-bit era days while looking forward to next level in gaming.