Time is ever fleeting
Soon Death you will be meeting
Coming to take you away from this place
Leaving behind, not a trace
Or Death may take another
Your sister or your brother
Pulling them away from your grasp
Never to escape his clasp
Why does Death always steal?
Never allowing us to heal
Robbing us of our happiest day
Reminding us we are all his prey
My son and then my daughter
My husband to the slaughter
Stolen from me by a thief in the night
Taken beyond, far from sight
Your heart has been broken
You need not have spoken
The expression in your eyes
Has brought down your guise
I know what you have lost
I too have paid Death’s cruel cost
Leaving us nothing but hollow strife
Weeping, wasting though our life
But you who is so daring
Yes you, so ever caring
You can rewind the thread of fate
Drawing her back from the gate
For you possess the power
To change that very hour
To save your beloved one
To undo what has been done
Death we cannot offend
It matters not the rules we bend
You deserve to feel her tender caress
Go back in time for the power you possess
Steal back what is rightfully yours
Run through those open doors
Your love is waiting on the other side
All you must do is decide
Choose between happiness and pain
You know what is at stake and what you will gain
Choose between now and the past you have known
To be with her or forever be alone