Three Things I Love About Las Vegas
I got back from my trip to Las Vegas, Nevada a few weeks ago and I still can't get over how much I wish I didn't have to come back home. I have always loved Vegas, ever since I was a kid I have always just enjoyed that city so much. Even though this was my 7th time there (and the first time that I was actually legal to gamble) it still was just as fun and exciting as my first time. It's kind of hard to really say what makes me love Las Vegas so much but I do have some favorites that always keep me wanting to go back for more.
1. The Shows - No place on earth has shows like Las Vegas. It's like a mix of the best of Broadway with the total immersion of theme parks like Disneyland, the shows in Vegas are a complete experience. Take Phantom - the Las Vegas Spectacular, one of the shows I saw on this visit. Situated deep within the Venetian, the entire theater is built to resemble a classic Parisian opera house, from the seats to the stage, even the carpeting and lightning fit the look and mood perfectly. Because in Vegas, the theaters are built specifically for the shows they house, from KA's steampunk aura to the Blue Man Group's zany comedy - once you entire the theater's lobby, it's like you've been transported to another place and time. Going to see a show in Vegas is a must for anyone looking to be treated to a brand new experience.
2. Las Vegas Area - Okay, so this might not be on most people's top 3 list of why they love Las Vegas but it is sure on mine. Surrounded by an expansive, and I mean expansive desert, Las Vegas is like an oasis in the middle of nowhere. One of my favorite things about visiting Las Vegas is the drive into the city. Miles and miles, hours and hours of nothing but flat desert and Joshua trees. I grew up in the high desert and have always loved it, I can't stand seeing tall green trees, grass, and plants - like the area I live in now. Nope, the only trees I like are Joshua trees, a cool form of cacti that only grow in the Sierras and down to Death Valley. Coupled with temperatures that easily get up to 118 - the desert, heat, and lack of green stuff make Las Vegas one of my favorite places on earth.
3. Walking the Strip - If you haven't been to Las Vegas before let me warn you about something - the traffic is horrendous! Luckily, Las Vegas is a city designed for the pedestrian and it is truly in its best form when viewed from the sidewalks. When you walk with thousands of people up and down the strip, not only do you get to see some of the greatest gems Las Vegas has to offer (like the dancing fountains at the Bellagio) but you also get to experience Las Vegas' unique "vibe". It's both exciting and relaxed at the same time and Las Vegas is a city where everything is happening and nothing is happening at the same time. When you take to the streets in Las Vegas you can choose to see and do as much as you want and you will never get bored. From shopping to people watching, make sure to give yourself enough time to just go out and explore Las Vegas thoroughly.