Season: Winter
Day: Five
It’s been snowing for two days straight! The Money I earned from my sales to Van is almost completely gone and I don’t have enough Fodder to last through the season. I’ve been trying to clear the snow from the fields to try and save what little grass is still alive but to no avail. Luckily, my crops have fared much better and I was able to harvest all of the Strawberries that I had planted earlier. My income has been drastically cut once again because now Miel no longer produces any milk and I have to survive on the few eggs that I get daily. I only have five more days to survive until the Spring comes but I’m not sure if I’m going to make it. It’s become a waiting game, if the weather would just cooperate; I’d be able to get more Fodder once a few rows of grass grow in. I’m really starting to hate snow.
Year: One
Season: Winter
Day: Seven
The snow has finally stopped and the weather seems to be clearing. I’m hoping that this means we’ll have an early Spring and the grass will start growing in the field soon. My Fodder levels are still dangerously low but with Van coming tomorrow, I hope I’ll be able to make enough money off of my sales to give me enough money to order more Good Fodder from the city. Thus, I focused a lot of my efforts on fishing, unfortunately I was very unlucky coming back empty handed. My luck has been rotten for all of Winter and it’s making me nervous, I’m supposed to propose tonight at the Winter Festival!
There was some good news though, when I came back from fishing, Takakura had just arrived from the city and it was time to give Miel the Miracle Potion I had ordered the day before. I saved money by using my Brown Bull Ryutaro, which is exactly what I need to be doing with all the financial problems I’ve been having lately. Takakura took Miel to the Barn and gave her the Miracle Potion, he said that now all we have to do is wait and see if she becomes pregnant or not.
After finishing up all my chores around the farm, I put on my Sunday best, put the Blue Feather the Harvest Sprites gave me in my pocket, and headed out to the Winter Festival. A light snow started to fall as I walked down the path that leads towards town. I turned back to look at the farm as I tried to decide how I was going to propose, when I noticed that there was a small patch of green in the field. I hurriedly ran over and swept off the light layer of snow to find that what lay underneath was fresh green grass. Knowing that the farm was saved, I couldn’t help but burst out into a wide grin. Seeing this loving green grass that was barely a couple inches high gave me the confidence to continue on and pop the question.
Once at the Winter Festival, I waited anxiously for her to show up. I paced, I fidgeted, and I ran through a hundred different ways to ask with none of them sounding like how I wanted it to. Then, she finally arrived looking stunning as usual with her sweet smile greeting everyone at the Winter Festival. It took me some time to finally get to greet her as everyone else in town seemed to want to talk to her as well. After finally catching her alone, I asked her if she wanted to take a walk with me up to the North Pond. She agreed and as we walked we talked about the weather, the farm, and about the various crops that I was thinking of planting for the Spring. I couldn’t help thinking, “I don’t want to talk about this! I want to just ask now!” But I knew that I should wait until we got to the North Pond, which seemed to be miles away.
Once we arrived, I was a bundle of nerves as everything from “I think we should get married” to “do you like this Blue Feather?” went through my head. I realized I hadn’t decided how I was going to ask . . . I didn’t have a plan on what to do next. As she stared into the North Pond, I stood behind her a bit, fumbling with the Blue Feather in my pocket when I pulled it out unconsciously to look at it. She turned around and gasped. I was at a complete loss of words when she asked that if the Blue Feather was for her. I could only nod and handed it to her. She told me as she held the Blue Feather that her father proposed to her mother just the same way and she never would have imagined that she would ever get a Blue Feather of her own. She hugged me and said yes then told me that she had to go tell the others. As she ran down the path towards town, I couldn’t help but think “I didn’t even get to kiss her” as I stood in shock until I realized . . . she said yes . . . Celia said yes.