January 13, 2010

2009 PSP Holiday Wrap Up

2009 saw Sony and others returning their focus back to the PSP. With a lot of great third-party and first-party titles, 2009 was truly a great year for every PSP owner. I was fortunate enough to pick up some amazingly great titles and a few not so great titles as well. Here's a quick rundown of my thoughts on all my games from 2009.

SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny - Superb fighting in a bit sized portion. I have to admit that Tekken has been toppled from its position as the king of fighters in 2009. With the boring Tekken 6 not getting it done for the PS3, the PSP was the only console I still played a Tekken game on. Not anymore, SoulCalibur has become my fighting game choice for the PSP. With great graphics, fun gameplay, and deep customization - SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny is a must for any fighting fan who owns a PSP . . . maybe even a must if you don't own a PSP.

Gran Turismo - After waiting . . . was it three years? Anyway, after waiting for quite some time for GT to hit the PSP I found myself somewhat disappointed with the showing. While it looks amazing and plays very well, the lack of certain must have features and a better PSP racer has booted this game back to the shelf.

Half-Minute Hero - A very fun and frantic old school style of RPG, Half-Minute Hero gives you only 30 seconds to save the world. How is this done? I actually have no clue. After attempting to complete the tutorial, I found myself lost and very frustrated as I continually ran out of time. With little time of my own to play through all the games I picked up, Half-Minute Hero ended up running out of time in my PSP.

Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier - Unlike the other games, I haven't even popped this one in yet. Out of the twenty new games I did pick up from August to December, Jak and Daxter was the only game I did not have time to play. Hopefully, I'll get a chance to run through it soon.

Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines - Surprisingly, AC on the PSP works really well. I was worried about the lack of a second analog stick to control the camera, but for the most part, I had little trouble navigating the rooftops of Cyprus. The combat in the game works better than the combat in the original AC as well. Though its not as nice looking as it's PS3 counterpart, all the mission styles and high risk assassinations are all there. The game even helps to answer a few of the questions that are brought up in the flashback sequence of AC2. All in all, if you enjoy the AC series, Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines is a game you might want to look at picking up.

LittleBigPlanet - Honestly, when I played this game I felt like I was playing an expansion or DLC for the PS3 version . . . and that's a good thing. While there was a dip in graphical design, everything else about the portable LBP is the same as its older brother. This is truly a must own title on the PSP.

MotorStorm: Arctic Edge - I was actually worried about picking up MotorStorm for the PSP. I have broken a controller over MotorStorm on the PS3 and didn't really want to have to buy a new PSP just because I got frustrated at its portable counterpart. Yet, when I played Arctic Edge I found one of the best racing titles I have ever played and I'm not just talking about PSP racers either. I actually like Arctic Edge more than I do the original MotorStorm or its sequel Pacific Rift. The controls work well, the camera is always where you want it, and the sense of speed is exhilarating. Since I bought the game, I haven't played another racer since . . . it has me that hooked.