Every year when my cell phone contract is up, I have the option of upgrading my cell. And every year I wish that my stupid service provider dealt in Sony Ericsson phones. Unfortunately, Verizon Wireless doesn't carry or support these phones. It's especially disappointing when Sony Ericsson comes out with a phone like the Aino - which features limited functionality and connectivity to the PlayStation Network at the PS3. From checking your messages to renting movies from the PSN Store, the Aino can do it all via wi-fi. It can even turn on and off your PS3 from anywhere in the world. Another nice feature is its use of Media Go, the application that the PSP uses to transfer media from a PC.
Considering that there were some rumors of Sony and Ericsson splitting for good, it seems that they have found a way to reconcile and begin a new wave of high tech phones. But is it too late? With iPhones, Blackberry Storms, and even Google and Palm Pre phones already on the market, is there room for another media focused cell? One thing is for sure, that Sony seems dedicated to connectivity across all of their platforms. Hopefully soon I'll be able to join this web of media connectivity and never be away from my PS3 . . . that is if Verizon lets me.