Season: Spring
Day: Three
Every third and eighth day, Van the traveling merchant, stops at Forget-Me-Not Valley to buy and sell various odds and ends. I was excited to meet such a person and to do some business with him. I quickly finished my morning routine of watering the crops and tending to all the animals. I headed into town a little before noon in hopes of meeting Van before he set up his shop. As I waited near the Inner Inn, Ruby and Rock came out to say hello. Ruby is Tim’s wife and Rock is their son. Rock’s party animal personality doesn’t seem to fit with Tim’s laid-back attitude and Ruby’s reserved behavior. Rock’s blonde hair doesn’t seem to fit with Tim’s and Ruby’s black hair either. Kind of makes me wonder . . .
I didn’t have long to dwell at the Inner Inn family as Van came strolling up the road. He gave a wave to Ruby and Rock and as he passed by gave me a nod. I approached this short and portly man and introduced myself. His long black hair was tied back in a neat ponytail and his prominent nose was well framed by his large mustache. He welcomed me to the valley and said that he looked forward to the goods I would sell him. He added with a laugh that he looked forward to the products I bought as well. After letting him open his shop, I browsed all the items that Van offered. I finally decided to buy a Brush and a Fishing Rod. It was a bit of a stretch on my budget, but well worth it. I also sold a few of the Toy Flowers and Goddess Drops I had picked earlier.
Year: One
Season: Spring
Day: Six
A few days have passed since Van’s arrival. I’ve made great use of both the Brush and Fishing Rod that I bought from him. My hope is to be able to make a bit of side money by fishing in my spare time that might help me afford to repair and expand the farm. I’ve already been out fishing quite a bit since I bought the rod. There’s a river that’s just next to my farm, the waterfall that feeds the river by Carter’s Dig, a pond north of the farm, and a pond south of the Inner Inn. I’ve already caught a few species of fish including Smelt, Huchap, Rainbob, and Colombo all in varying sizes.
I ordered some better farming equipment including a Light Hoe to help conserve my energy. I’ve noticed that my trees that I planted have already sprouted and that there are flowers on my Tomato Plants. I think I’ll be able to harvest my first crop in a few more days. I’m excited to see how my hard work will pay off.
Year: One
Season: Spring
Day: Seven
I’ve been busy almost all day completing chores around the farm, helping Carter at his dig site, fishing, and harvesting some local plants. All this was in preparation of Van’s return tomorrow. While I was in town I ran into Muffy and had a quick chat with her. I also met Daryl, the local mad scientist. His dark hair was strewn about wildly, his sharp nose barely held his glasses upon his face, and his eyes were bloodshot from the lack of sleep. I tried to introduce myself but he shooed me aside, muttering to himself the whole time.
When I returned to Hyde Farm, I found that the Hen I ordered came in! I named her Nanao and immediately put her in the chicken coop that was already on the farm when I came. I also found, as I was inspecting the fields, that I had a pest problem in the first field that I planted all my trees in. Unfortunately, all of my Peach Trees were affected and I had to cut them down. What a waste! Luckily, the other trees were not harmed. Hopefully, this will not set me back later in the year.
Year: One
Season: Spring
Day: Eight
Success! I harvested my first Tomatoes! Though they weren’t of the same quality of Vesta’s crops, I was proud that I grew them with my own hands. I finished up my usual routine and waited for Van’s Arrival. He usually puts his shop up around noon but this day was different. I waited for almost an hour and he didn’t show. There were a few people gathered around waiting for him, so I thought that I would try my hand at selling a few of my goods and opened a shop near where Van runs his. Tim bought some Normal Milk A from me. Since he and his family have been so nice, I gave him a discount. Gustafa came and looked at my goods as well. It was the first time I had met him. He lives in a hut near the beach to the south of the Inner Inn. You can’t miss Gustafa, his large, green hat is easy to spot and he is usually playing his guitar among the trees. He wanted some of the Toy Flowers I had picked earlier; I told him that he could have them for free.
After they left, I closed my shop and headed back to the farm to finish up the daily work. I decided to try one more time before I turned in for the night and headed back down towards the Inner Inn around 5:00pm. To my surprise, Van was there and his shop was open. He apologized for being late, explaining that the city traffic had been hectic. I sold all the goods I had been collecting from the last time he visited and made a hefty amount. I happily headed home to enjoy a relaxing night.
Season: Spring
Day: Eight
Success! I harvested my first Tomatoes! Though they weren’t of the same quality of Vesta’s crops, I was proud that I grew them with my own hands. I finished up my usual routine and waited for Van’s Arrival. He usually puts his shop up around noon but this day was different. I waited for almost an hour and he didn’t show. There were a few people gathered around waiting for him, so I thought that I would try my hand at selling a few of my goods and opened a shop near where Van runs his. Tim bought some Normal Milk A from me. Since he and his family have been so nice, I gave him a discount. Gustafa came and looked at my goods as well. It was the first time I had met him. He lives in a hut near the beach to the south of the Inner Inn. You can’t miss Gustafa, his large, green hat is easy to spot and he is usually playing his guitar among the trees. He wanted some of the Toy Flowers I had picked earlier; I told him that he could have them for free.
After they left, I closed my shop and headed back to the farm to finish up the daily work. I decided to try one more time before I turned in for the night and headed back down towards the Inner Inn around 5:00pm. To my surprise, Van was there and his shop was open. He apologized for being late, explaining that the city traffic had been hectic. I sold all the goods I had been collecting from the last time he visited and made a hefty amount. I happily headed home to enjoy a relaxing night.