For those of you not familiar with Manga or Japanese sound effects, ガーガーガー (gaagaagaa) is the common onomatopoeia used for robots. A sound that has been heard around the world, now that the 1/1 scale Gundam RX-78-2 statue has been completed on Odaiba Island. Yes, you read correctly, a 1/1 scale statue. That's 59 feet tall!!!
To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Gundam franchise, the statue took an estimated four months to complete and position in Shiokaze Park. Although it was completed in June of this year, July 11th was its official unveiling and will be displayed until August 31st.
Gundam has been and always will be my favorite Anime series ever. First being introduced to it when I lived in Japan, watching its U.S. premier, and seeing the evolution of the series has been a fun adventure. From the 15th anniversary G-Gundam series to the 20th anniversary live-action G-Saviour - they keep making the anniversary celebrations bigger and bigger. While the Gundam series of late have lacked the great story-telling of the former series, I still hold this franchise to the highest of standards, now more literal than ever. Now, where can I buy one?