Location: 282 Almaden Blvd - San Jose, California
Time: 0700
We woke up early once again, got ready, and did a double check of the room to make sure we didn't leave anything behind. We ended up getting a trolley to take all the bags down since there were so many. After loading up and checking out, we hit the road for home.
Location: Back home in Northern California
Time: 1402
We made great time and got home quickly. We didn't hit any traffic though we did see a lot of cop cars on the road pulling over speeding vacationers. We told our adventures to my father as we did a sort of "show and tell" of all the stuff we got. Our trip to FanimeCon 2009 was over and what was left was a huge pile of stuff to put away!
Location: Somewhere in Northern California
Time: 1421
It's been exactly a week since I left for my trip to San Jose and I still feel like I'm moving every time I sit down. I ended up sleeping in to around 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday after I got back. Ah, that was so nice. I still have one big bag to unpack and put away. With all the Anime that I picked up, I managed to fill another shelf of my media rack. Only two shelves left to fill in my third media rack and then I'll have to get another bookshelf or something. The clothes are another story. I ended up getting some plastic tubs to put my "summer" clothes in and store under my bed, that way I have more room for all the shirts that I picked up this trip.
Location: Somewhere in Northern California
Time: 1425
I finally got all the groceries put away as well. I haven't put any of the soda in the fridge yet but I'll do that soon . . . when I feel like it. I've already tried out the Japanese hot cakes, they taste exactly the same as American pancakes. I don't know what I was expecting, maybe I'll have to eat them Onomiyaki style to see a difference. My dog loved his new cow but he hasn't tried the beer yet. My father really liked his gifts too. And I'm not quite sure where my mother put all of her new clothes, but somehow they all fit in her closet.
Location: Somewhere in Northern California
Time: 1429
I'm not quite sure how much money I spent in total on this trip. I'd been saving for almost a year and a half and it was well worth it. Surprisingly enough I ended up with $1000 left over. With it, I was able to catch up on my PSN Add-Ons that I had been skipping on for the past several months as well as finishing up all my birthday/Christmas presents I had to buy for friends and family. I even had enough left over to pick up the Anime and Manga that I couldn't find at Fanime. I don't think I'll be going back next year, I can only handle every other year. But I look forward to 2011 and more adventures in the land of Otakudom. Maybe by then, I will have converted a few of my friends into Otakus and I can take them down with me. I guess I better start saving again!