Looking Back To The Future
With May just around the corner, I've been preparing for final exams, the summer months, and most of all my Memorial Day vacation. From May 21st through May 25th I will be in San Jose, California for the 2009 Fanime Convention. Anime, Manga, Cosplayers, J-pop, and everything else you can think of from the Land of the Rising Sun. I already have my list of Anime, Manga, and other items I'm hunting for myself and for some friends. I've also got a few plans to hit some museums, the mall, and other local attractions while I'm down there. This will be my second time going down to Fanime and my third Anime convention. I went down the first time in 2007, skipped 2008, and am excited to return again this year. So, as I gear up once again for all that fandomonium, I pulled out a few photos from my trip to Fanime 2007 and SacAnime 2007 to help me get into the vibe of things. This year's convention should be even better than that last one since I'm more experienced, better prepared, and have way more cash to spend :D I am looking forward to it!